
By shifting power, protection, and resources to frontline feminist movements, we can support activists in cultivating networks and practices of collective care to prevent, mitigate, and heal from reprisals and ensure their movements thrive over time.

Credit: Karen Keyrouz

When we are connected, it is easier to prevent and face reprisals.

Elena, feminist activist

Credit: Los Muertos Crew
Credit: Los Muertos Crew
Credit: Los Muertos Crew

Credit: Los Muertos Crew

What Can We Do to Support Feminist Activists Facing Backlash?

What Can We Do to Support Feminist Activists Facing Backlash?

A Collective Care Response: Feminist activists have much to offer each other in preparing for, avoiding, and healing from reprisals. Collective care and protection networks are one of the most effective ways feminist activists keep themselves and each other safe. By building the infrastructure necessary to create and sustain collective care networks, practices and opportunities, feminist movements can build collective power from a position of individual and collective well-being, to challenge oppressive systems and create reimagined ones for a just world–more safely, freely and without fear.

Illustration by: Nafisa Ferdous

Feminist Activist-to-Activist Recommendations

Feminist Activist-to-Activist Recommendations

Feminist activists and movements are already leaders in building collective care networks, infrastructure, and practices to prevent, mitigate, and heal from disruptive, dangerous backlash. Activists know best what they need and can share insights and tools with one another to assess risk and formulate action plans for safety.  

Flexible Funding for Collective Power & Care

Flexible Funding for Collective Power & Care

Funders need to provide access to flexible funding that allows activists to mobilize quickly and effectively in response to unexpected risks and build networks, practices, and infrastructure for collective care that can sustain activists and movements over time. With access to timely infusions and long-term commitments of support, feminist activists can take advantage of critical windows of opportunity to hold the line against repression and rollbacks while simultaneously building collective power for lasting, transformative change. 

Policy Action For Feminist Activism Without Fear

Policy Action For Feminist Activism Without Fear

Policymakers need to push for the power, perspectives, and holistic protection of frontline feminists to be reflected in global advocacy decision-making arenas, commitments, and demands. Governments must establish, promote, and fully implement clear policies and practices to protect feminist activists from the full range of backlash that they face, and affirm the rights and liberties of those who are improving our world by advancing justice.

Movement Strategies For Collective Power & Care

Movement Strategies For Collective Power & Care

Feminist movements are leading movements for justice and liberation worldwide. In the face of increased risks and backlash, activists share their  key strategies to respond to these challenges with collective power and care. These movement-led approaches to protection and well-being understand and document backlash in holistic ways, support collective care, and build sustainable feminist movements.

Collective care is also about movements’ sustainability. If activists are not well supported, how can they continue their work that is essential to building the just and equitable world we need?

Somer Nowak, Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism

Credit: Thirdman
Credit: Thirdman
Credit: Thirdman

Credit: Thirdman